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Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers a solution for men and women who are experiencing a drop in their reproductive hormone levels. This downward shift in testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone is typical for individuals in their 40’s and 50’s. It can cause a host of unwelcome symptoms, including a loss of libido, vaginal discomfort, weight gain, inability to concentrate, mood changes, loss of stamina, and muscle weakness. Bioidentical hormones for men and bioidentical hormones for women give them the opportunity to restore their hormone levels. The main goal is to make symptoms of a hormonal imbalance go away. Options for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy include injections, patches that are applied to the skin, and hormone pellets that are inserted beneath the skin. If you choose to begin hormone replacement therapy, it is important you know what to expect after therapy has begun.

What are Symptoms You Can Experience After Bioidentical Hormone Replacement?

While bioidentical hormones for men and bioidentical hormones for women offer relief from symptoms brought on by a hormonal imbalance, treatment can cause symptoms as well. Bioidentical hormones have the same chemical foundation as the hormones that are being replaced. As a result, the body should adjust to them more easily. Hormone replacement therapy is supposed to make you feel better. However, you may experience side effects. They are unique for men and women.

What Side Effects are Common for Bioidentical Hormones for Men?

If you are a man and you decide to begin bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, be prepared for the downside of this treatment option. It may be highly effective for you in giving you relief from symptoms caused by a drop in hormones. At the same time, you may experience troubling side effects. Your testicles may become smaller. At the same time, you may notice that your breasts have become enlarged. You are at a higher risk of becoming infertile. If you have sleep apnea, monitor it closely. Your condition could become worse. You may experience a spike in cholesterol levels. Your red blood cell count could increase as well.

What Side Effects are Common for Bioidentical Hormones for Women?

If you are a woman and you choose to begin hormone replacement therapy, you may find yourself up against typical side effects. They include more facial hair, moods that are changing all the time, bloating, and an increase in your weight. Flare-ups of acne are common as well.

What to Do if You Experience Side Effects from Hormone Replacement Therapy?

The first thing you need to remember is you need to have patience when you begin hormone replacement therapy. The benefits of treatment are going to be gradual. You may not even notice a significant difference for at least a month. Any side effects that you are going to experience usually occur early on and improve with time. As a rule of thumb, your doctor will advise you to stick with your hormone replacement program for three months. This will give your body time to adjust. If you complete that trial period of time and you aren’t happy with your results, you and your doctor can discuss other options. You may need a change in dosage or it may be time to try a different type of hormone replacement therapy.

Keep the Lines of Communication Open with Your Doctor

You know your body and you need to pay attention to what it is telling you. If you experience any severe side effects, contact your doctor right away. You may be having a reaction to your treatment. Your doctor will be able to evaluate you and tell you if your symptoms are normal. Work with your doctor to make changes as needed. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is an effective option for many men and women. You need to keep an open mind and take advantage to treatment alternatives that can give you relief.

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