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low testosterone

What is meant by low testosterone in men?

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Testosterone is the main sex hormone in males and is also used as a steroid. In the male body, testosterone acts as an essential function in the development and growth of male reproductive cells, such as in the testes as well as the male prostate. Most people associate this male hormone with the sex drive and also the role it plays in sperm production; it’s also associated with the biological aspect that gives men their “manliness.” 

Testosterone also promotes and helps develop additional bodily attributes like enhanced bone and muscle mass and boosting the growth of hair on the body.

The Common Issue Of Low Testosterone

Unfortunately, a lot of males and females find themselves with the health condition of low testosterone, scientifically known as Hypogonadism, but it most commonly affects males. Otherwise known as Low-T, testosterone deficiency is the lack of production or underproduction of the testosterone hormone in men (and women). The causes of low testosterone are varied and this common problem affects about 2 out of every 100 men with the risk increasing as they age. 

What Are The Causes Of Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone causes can occur during puberty, during adulthood, or can even be caused during the fetal stage due to the underdevelopment of testosterone in the testicles and conditions like Congenital disability and Klinefelter syndrome, which is a genetic condition regarding extra X chromosomes. 

There are a wide range of low testosterone causes, with the most common being that as a man ages and especially after the age of 30, the testosterone hormone level naturally declines. Causes can be from illnesses or accidents or be acquired by natural or inherited circumstances.

Here are several other potential causes for Hypogonadism: 

  • Delay in puberty
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Injury
  • Medications like hormones used to treat things like prostate cancer, steroids or any prescription drugs such as opioids
  • Obesity
  • Exposure to radiation
  • Chronic or acute illnesses
  • Hemochromatosis, which is excess iron in the blood
  • Syndromes like Kallman
  • Excess estrogen in the body
  • Testicular infections
  • Undescended testicles, where the testicles do not descend below the baby’s abdomen before birth
  • Sleep apnea
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Mumps
  • Extreme weight loss
  • Cancer treatments
  • Some inflammatory conditions
  • Steroid abuse

These are just a few of the potential causes for low testosterone, and there are a variety of symptoms of low testosterone that can help someone to know if they are dealing with testosterone deficiency.

Low Testosterone Symptoms

The symptoms that occur when someone has Hypogonadism or low testosterone are widely spread and depends on the age of the person. Symptoms can include feeling depressed and low, fatigue, and lack of energy, a low sex drive, body fat increase, erectile dysfunction, among many others. Here are more symptoms that someone can experience with testosterone deficiency: 

  • The decrease in muscle mass and strength
  • Effects to memory and lack of concentration
  • Slight anemia (decreased red blood cells) and decreased hemoglobin (oxygen carrier in the blood) 
  • Problems with muscle development and lack of body hair during the stage of puberty
  • Osteoporosis (bone thinning)
  • The worsening of sleep apnea
  • Low volume of semen production
  • Changes in sleep patterns and in some cases insomnia 
  • Breast developments
  • During puberty, lack of the deepening of the voice and underdevelopment of genitals
  • Infertility 
  • Mood changes and lack of energy

These are just a few common low testosterone symptoms and things that occur in the body that people should be aware of. Consulting a doctor about these symptoms can help detect testosterone deficiency and enable people to get the help and treatment required. Treatments can include assistance with reproduction and also hormone replacement therapies.

low testosterone

What Happens When You Have Low Testosterone?

By Testosterone No Comments

Low testosterone causes are often attributed to age and circumstances. However, you might find that you have low testosterone symptoms that you need to look at very carefully. Most people, who would like to seek out treatment need to think very carefully about what their options are because they can handle their low testosterone by meeting with a professional who can give them a way to get back to their old self. When you notice these symptoms, you need to be sure that you have sought out treatment as soon as possible.

1. Perpetual Fatigue

Men who are fatigued all the time might need a little bit more than a nap to cure their ills. This is because men need to be sure that they have had their testosterone checked. You will need to get into a great program that will address the fact that you feel tired every day. If you would like to handle your fatigue, you might want to get on a low testosterone regimen that will help you get a little bit more energy back every day.

2. Lack Of Motivation

A lot of people feel a lack of motivation when they do not have any energy, and that could be because they have such low testosterone that they will get nothing done during the day. When you are thinking of your low testosterone symptoms, you might want to look at how productive you are during the day. However, you also need to weigh your motivation against how tired you are. When you are thinking of both of these things at the same time, you will discover that you have a problem that needs to be treated.

3. Lack Of Fitness

Someone who has low testosterone will start to notice that they cannot stay as fit as they once did. These people might work out as they did in the past, but they will not get the results they expected in the past. You need to be sure that you have logged how much you are working out so that you can see if you are getting similar results. When your body starts showing signs of weakness and constant fatigue, you can try out a testosterone treatment that will help you get back into shape.

4. Lack Of Hair And Nail Growth

You do not want your hair and nails to grow out of control, but you do need to see hair and nail growth that is normal. Men who have a low testosterone count will find that their hair is not very shiny. These same men will have ragged nails that are not very bright. You need to get into a treatment program that will make you look much healthier overall, and you will find that the energy you get from a treatment program will lead you to eat a better diet which further improves your hair and nails.

5. Sour Mood

People who are not in the best of moods, they will discover that they feel like this throughout the day because they are tired and lack motivation. When this is the case, you need to start looking at treatment programs that could help you recover from a low T count that is hard on your emotions. You never want to feel like you are sluggish and upset all the time.

6. Conclusion

You need to take steps to deal with low testosterone levels that you can see in both your behavior and your general outlook on life. Someone who has focused on their low testosterone causes can get much better care because they see the signs early on.

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

6 Serious Symptoms Of Low Testosterone You Should Not Ignore

By Testosterone No Comments

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the male body. Although it is often associated with working out and building muscles, this hormone is responsible for a host of other vital functions such as hair growth, bone mass and more. As men age, their testosterone is at risk of decline. There are also other factors that can contribute to a significant loss of this vital hormone. Men with low levels of testosterone can face potential health issues. Here are six serious symptoms of low testosterone that you should no ignore.

1. Erectile Dysfunction

One of the most well-known low testosterone symptoms is erectile dysfunction. Although it is often associated with old age, this issue can occur at any age. The real reason for erectile dysfunction is low levels of testosterone. Age is simply associated with this change. No matter your age, signs of erectile dysfunction should be taken seriously and help should be sought from a medical professional.

2. Depression

Depression is another symptom of low testosterone levels. Because depression can develop from a host of other factors, it is sometimes difficult to trace the source back to a testosterone deficiency. Even as a sexual hormone, testosterone plays an important role in maintaining an overall sense of happiness and contentment in the male brain.

3. Reduced Muscle Mass

Testosterone is closely correlated with muscle growth and health. When an individual sees a rapid loss of muscle mass, this may be a sign of lowering testosterone levels. While it is common to lose some muscle because of a lack of exercise or diet, any loss out of the norm should be taken seriously.

4. Decreased Libido or Sexual Activity

As the primary sex hormone in the male body, testosterone is an important component for making men sexually active and interested. When experiencing a drop in libido, also known as sex drive, men should consult a doctor to see if the cause could be low testosterone levels. Individuals with healthy levels of testosterone will not experience these problems.

5. Enlarged Breasts

Testosterone is responsible for many anatomical and physiological traits that separate men from women. The development of pectoral muscles, instead of breasts are one example of this difference. In some rare cases, men begin developing enlarged breasts that contain more fat than muscle. This is another sign of low testosterone levels.

6. Rapid Hair Loss

Hair loss is another trait that is wrongly connected with old age. Although balding typically happens as men age, it is actually because of a lack of testosterone. Rapid hair loss that happens to man under 30 years old could be a sign of low testosterone.

Regardless of your age, low testosterone symptoms should not go unnoticed. If any of these six symptoms are taking place, it is time to see a doctor or other medical professional. Testosterone is a vital hormone needed to keep the male body functioning properly and in a healthy manner. Talk with a doctor to learn more about how low testosterone affects the human body.

Low Testosterone

5 Signs That Make It Certain You Have Low Testosterone

By Testosterone No Comments

Low testosterone in men can affect their overall health, happiness, and well-being. Unfortunately, a lot of men experience low testosterone symptoms as they begin to age since this hormone naturally lowers as a man enters his golden years. The issue comes with a slew of symptoms that can range from being uncomfortable to being downright dangerous. For this reason, it is important to visit Radiance Age Management for proper hormone therapy to effectively alter the range of hormones and get yourself feeling and looking better as a result.

What is Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone causes range from aging to taking certain supplements and medications. Because of this, it can affect men of any age and of any ethnicity. If it affects males before puberty, it can severely stunt their growth and cause major development issues. For older men, it could mean weight gain, reduced muscle mass and a lower sex drive that can have an impact on their happiness and relationship goals. Unfortunately, some low testosterone causes aren’t necessarily easy to spot and this is why a medical diagnosis is necessary to begin the treatment that you need.

What are the Symptoms of Low Testosterone?

For some men, it is difficult to pinpoint the symptoms of low testosterone, especially if the hormone isn’t horribly low in numbers. If hormone therapy is not done soon enough, symptoms can and will get worse with time.

Some of the most common signs and symptoms to look for in low testosterone include:

  • Lowered sex drive
  • Mental problems such as anxiety and depression
  • Weight gain, especially around the midsection
  • Difficulty getting and maintaining an erection
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Loss of bone density
  • Mood changes

If you notice any or all of these changes, it is important to see help from a doctor who can refer you to hormone therapy. There are several blood tests that they can run to check your testosterone levels to see if they are abnormal and can then provide the best treatment option for you.

How to Handle the Problem

The best way for you to deal with low testosterone is to visit a hormone therapy management center like Radiance Age Management. Hormone therapy is essential for balancing the amount of testosterone in your body so that any and all of the low testosterone symptoms are a thing of the past and that you can get back to living the full and exciting life that you deserve. Unfortunately, a lot of men assume that low testosterone is just a part of aging, but there are many hormone therapy options available to help you get back to feeling youthful again. This is especially true if you are dealing with symptoms that are affecting your health and happiness. For many men, they find that going through hormone therapy helps to rekindle the flame in their relationship while others notice it helps them to get rid of unhealthy body fat that is hard on their organs and heart.

Because low testosterone is sometimes difficult to detect on your own, especially if the symptoms are mild, you may want to consider going for routine blood testing to check your testosterone levels. This is an easy and quick test that can provide results in a short period of time. If you’re not feeling like yourself and feel that there is something hormonal going on, it is important to speak with your doctor to have one of these tests done. Once it’s found that you have low testosterone, you can begin hormone therapy to balance your hormones and feel your best.